Since Obama officially became our president back in January, some people argue that he has not done much. That our brand new president has done nothing of his presidential duties. They say he's all talk on the television and that he hasn't acted on anything he has said. Just like last week, president Obama was caught at a Chicago Bulls basketball game. The news follows him everywhere like papazazzis when he's trying to live his life like a normal person. Can't president Obama go to a Bulls games in his hometown and drink a beer as well!! He's just like the rest of us, except he's our new president. Then there are other reports about Obama is now homosexual, I mean c'mon. Obama is always seen with Michelle and his lovely daughters. I know that doesn't mean anything, but how affectionate he is with his wife does mean something. It just bothers me that people are writing such idiotic things about our new leader. They should be instead having faith in him and be happy a change has come to our nation. There are so many ignorant and racists people out there. It pisses me off! I only hope these stupid rumors cease and they let our president do what he has to do... at his own pace. Some people do not realize that Bush took 8 years to ruin this country and bring us to where we are right now. It's going to take a long time for this country to be the way it once was. Obama is not superman, but he does bring promise for a better nation. We just have to let him do it and not bother him. The best thing about him is that he doesn't let rumors and pety things distract him and the job he's doing. That's why he is our president.
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