I have to say it like it is... this week, I have sit back and watched my friends tell me how they had to do this and that for their guy or wait for him to pick them up, etc. I mean i've been there, and you fall in love and you don't want to seperate for them. And when you do seperate, you feel like you have ran out of air to breathe and just can't be or function without them. But to tell you the truth, from what I have learned, if you are depending like that on someone then you need to let go of them. No one should be with someone that has them right where they want them. That has them waiting by the phone for their call or needs their boyfriend to drive them places or pay for their bills. WHat happen to independant women?? That's why I love NE-YO's "miss independant" and "She got her own", he knowns about real women and respects them for being that way and doesn't try to buy them or rule them. I worry for my friends because some men seem nice nd wanting to take care fo their women, but then turn around and control them or even worse, beat them because they can. I have friends that went through that too. It's not a pretty sight and you don't even know what to say after that. And you definitely don't want to say at that moment "I told you so", because it's too late for it. There are some women out there that have very low self esteem that they just rather stay by their guy than be with family or even friends. Then those are the women who are left alone or end up being in abusive relationships. I think women shouldn't have to depend on any guy or anyone else but themselves. If we let our guard down, then we show that we are weak and will attract men that are controling and like weak women. Not all men are like this, but there is a percentage.It just relly bothers me and I wish I didn't know girls like that. If you know someone like that, don't ignore them. Hear or help them out bec uase sometimes they need someone to open their eyes or just help them get out of that slump that they are in. They need a reminder of how strong and independant they can be again. if you end up alone, it will be ok, I know this for a fact. I wish some women didn't depend on their men so much. Then there would be equality and no one would over power any one else.
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