Nayda Suleman, or as everyone knows her as the women who had 8 babies a month ago, has caused quite a controversy. Not only did she give birth to 8 babies, but she already had 6 children before that. I mean who does this woman think she is? Well now in days, apparently she is idolizing her role model Angelina Jolie. How scary that she looks just like her and using tax payers money on her surgeries and to feed her children. Most people consider this woman a MONSTER! I do too. If you can not take care of the 6 children you already have by yourself, what makes you think that you can support 8 more children?! i'M sure many people want to know exactly what goes on in that woman's small brain. How and why did Suleman decide to have all 14 children by herself and with no help from any man. It's not like she couldn't find a good man to marry and have children with. So because of her actions, the state of California's taxpayers will be supporting these children in the absentence of their fathers. Is that fair? Did the people who are in her life and knew how many babies she was about to give birth to, try to stop her from making a huge mistake or is this a cry for help and publicity. It seems a bit of a publicity act because for the past month, that's all the news seems to talk about. Now there have been death threats to Suleman because there are people out there who feel that what she did is horrible, is exploiting those poor children the wrong way, and do not feel that they should pay to feed her babies. Suleman is an able woman who can work and take care of her children and does not need others money. She brought this upon herself, she should be able to resolve this problem by herself. Think of all those women out there who re not able to conceive a child of their own or that their partner can not fertile. Do you think they should have to contribute for the children thhis woman had and that they were not able to have? I think not and if I ever met her, she would need a new nose job!
to see disturbing pictures of her and interviews, click on links below:
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