On Tuesday night, March 24, President Obama gave a news conference that was televised across the country. This conference was a little different than the past conferences because he skipped over several prominent newspapers and newsmagazines to call on Kevin Chappell, a senior editor at Ebony magazine. Besides the conference he also invited Black Enterprise magazine for their first print interview and gave a black talk show host one of his first radio interviews. This month, he invited 50 black newspaper publishers to meet with him at the White House. That was the first time an Ebony reporter had been invited to question a president at a prime-time news conference. This shows that President Obama is trying to reach out to all types of media. By reaching out to Journalists of the black and Hispanic media, President Obama will have even more people celebrating him and not discriminating him by saying he’s only choosing to speak to general media. When he goes on Hispanic news channels like Univision and demonstrates his Spanish-speaking skills that make him stand out to those Hispanics that votes for him and shows the one that didn’t that he can relate to them as well even if he’s not Hispanic. By doing this, Black Entertainment Television, Essence, Ebony, are having journalists do presidential coverage’s per show or issue which shows their support to our President Obama.
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