For all of you that are twitter fanatics, this story is bound to get your attention. If you watch CNN, I’m sure you have already heard Ashton Kutcher Challenge CNN the other day. Kutcher said that he would reach to 1,000,000 Twitter followers before CNN would. And Kutcher made the mark at 2 AM today. Then right after CNN made the mark. Isn’t that a funny story? That’s why I say that this twitter thing is getting out of hand…. even Oprah enjoyed Twitter as well. Now that this Twitter craze has gotten to the celebrities, it brings even more people and fans to join so that they can talk to Celebs or so they think they are talking to them. When Kutcher broadcast his victory online, he popped chamapagne and thanked all his followers because without them, it wouldn’t have been possible. Such a silly challenge but then again its Ashton Kutcher, Mr. “Punk’d” himself. Only he would come up with something like that and challenge someone like Ted Turner on CNN. That helps get more people on Twitter and watching CNN more when you think about it. He’s a smarter man than we give him credit that Ashton.
For those of you tha want to see the celebration, go to this site:
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