When someone talks about the circus, you think, lots of clowns and amazing animals. You will see elephants, lions, tigers, and bears oh my!! Even if you see clowns and acrobats soaring through the air with the greatest of ease, it's not really as great as it seems. The animals in the circus are mistreated and are forced to do tricks against their will. How would you like to be made to chase frisbees or jump through joops of fire? I'm sure they don't like it either. I also thought that the animals seemed unhappy in the circus, but it wasn’t really brought to my attention until last week when I went to the circus and someone from the Animal right foundation of Florida handed me a flier. It spoke about the cruelty that went on in the circus to these poor creatures. When you go to the website, it shows you interviews and clips of what certain people said about the show and how elephants were whipped. Is this the kind of show we want our children to watch? So that they can grow up thinking it’s right to mistreat animals or even kill them? That is the foundation’s purpose, to prevent people from going to these shows and to one day put an end to the animal cruelty.
There's so much going on in this world right now but we should all take the time to spread the word to help prevent others from letting the animal abuse to continue. To take a look at the website for yourself, check this out : http://www.animalrightsflorida.org/Ringling.htm